A Grain Of Wheat Ministries

Signs of the End, book by David W. Dyer

The Lost Kingdom

Will God establish a physical kingdom on Earth?

Has the majority of Biblical prophecy regarding the kingdom already been fulfilled? Or are we to anticipate a greater manifestation of this kingdom in the future? Is the 'kingdom of God' the same as eternity or heaven?

Despite Jesus' extensive teachings on the kingdom in the Bible, the concept remains widely misunderstood today, with many losing sight of Jesus' true message. This lost truth about the kingdom could lead to significant consequences in our lives, both now and in the future.

This book is an investigation of this pivotal subject. We will discuss both the current experience of this heavenly kingdom and how our participation in it today will impact us when Jesus returns.

It is our prayer that this book will bless you, provide direction, and inspire a deeper pursuit of God’s kingdom in your life.

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It is marvelous the spiritual maturity that I am gaining (through reading these books), God and His work are not fiction! It does not all seem like a fairytale to me anymore like it used to. It has changed my life to realize that my old nature cannot be disguised or hidden, but instead it needs to die....

A reader from São Paulo, Brasil

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